Page name: Ambrosia's Kitchen [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-03 23:43:24
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A nice sized room with pots and pans everywhere. 3 large refridgeratars line the wall on the far right side. A giant stove is on the left. There are a few knifes scattered around. As you take another step closer to the counter, the cook looks up and says "Ello mate. Can I get you anything?"


Following links is where all RPing can be done:
Dead Mans Cove
The capt's quaters
Ambrosia's Cargo-hold
Below The Ambrosia's Deck
Ambrosia’s Brig
Ambrosia’s Weapon Room
Ambrosia's Crow Nest
Ambrosia's Kitchen
Ambrosia's Town
Ambrosia's Quarterdeck
Pandora's Stable


Back to: The Ambrosia

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2006-05-15 [-dot-]: Leland follows, "You're not getting away from this that easy"

2006-05-15 [Ikari]: Ikari shakes his head and then walks off back to the deck

2006-05-21 [KnightAngel]: Amrod walked down and knocked on the sidewall as he stepped down the stairs. "Anyone here?"

2006-05-21 [someelf]: A note on the fridge said Rhanii was in her room.

2006-05-21 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled then went over and sat down on a chair and closed his eyes and rested.

2006-05-21 [someelf]: A soft breeze that slipped into the kitchen came trough the open window waved trough Amrod's hair

2006-05-22 [Ace118]: wats for dinner

2006-05-23 [someelf]: A other note on the fridge said it will be vegtable soup for dinner.

2006-05-23 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blinked and took a look at the note then shrugged and started getting ready.

2006-05-25 [someelf]: Rhanii enterd the kitchen humming.

2006-05-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled as he saw her enter and held his hands out to show her how far he had gotten.

2006-05-25 [someelf]: "Ohh! Thank you!" She grinned and hugged him. "How come your working here?" She asked wondering and smelled the soup.

2006-05-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and hugged back. "Well I asked for something to do while not having a patient and the captain told me I could work here... Don't worry, hygiene is carefully taken care of... I washed my hands very carefully before starting... And used new clothes."

2006-05-25 [someelf]: Rhanii giggled and putted on her cooking shirt. "Thank you." She grinned and sat down. "I already made the sandwiches people could eat if they wanted along the soup.. So yeah.. We're practicly done." She smiled.

2006-05-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled. "Okay well what now then?"

2006-05-25 [Ikari]: Ikari walks down into the kitchen and heads for the pantry, he opens the small door and looks around the shelves

2006-05-25 [someelf]: "We ring the bell to say dinner is ready." She grinned and pointed at the bell that hung in the corner.

2006-05-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grinned sheepily. "Hehe okay."

2006-05-25 [someelf]: "What's wrong?" She chukled. "Hii Ikari. Can I do something for you?" She raised her eyebrow.

2006-05-25 [Ikari]: Ikari looks over his shoulder, the low light casting an eeire shadow over his face, his right aquamarine eye glows dimly giving off an ominous feeling. He speaks in a low tone, "No thanks....I've got it....under control...."

2006-05-25 [someelf]: "Okay then." Rhanii smiled cheerfully.

2006-05-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma suddenly appears behind Dae, and lightly taps his shoulder

2006-05-25 [Ikari]: Ikari turns his head again, his face keeping a stern look to it the low light once more casting his face into a shadow.

2006-05-25 [someelf]: Rhanii watched them quietly.

2006-05-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod sat quietly and watched.

2006-05-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma smiles a tiny bashful smile

2006-05-25 [Ikari]: Ikari turns his head back to the shelves and grabs what he was looking for and stands up closing hte door.

2006-05-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma smile slowly fades, and she turns and leaves the kitchen, heading towards her room.

2006-05-25 [someelf]: Rhanii stood up wondering what happend, but said nothing.

2006-05-25 [Ikari]: Ikari walks out of the kitchen and heads toward his room.

2006-05-27 [someelf]: Rhanii blinked. "Wanna ring the bell Amrod?" She turned to face him.

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled back. "Sure! If it's too much of course." He smiled cheerfully.

2006-05-27 [someelf]: She shook her head and smiled. "It'll be a honour for me.."

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grinned like a little boy that had been allowed to do something that was to him something grand and miracelous.

2006-05-27 [Ace118]: ?

2006-05-27 [someelf]: She shook her head laughing softly. "Go on! I'll get the food ready to be served."

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled then walked over and started ringing the bell.

2006-05-27 [someelf]: Rhanii brought the food to the benches and tables and stood there with a soups spoon in her hand ready to serve.

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod rang the bell a little more to make sure everyone heard the bell then went over to Rhanii and smiled. "Anything else I can do?"

2006-05-27 [someelf]: "You can help me serve." She grinned and gave him a spoon.

2006-05-27 [Ace118]: food can i have er what on menu

2006-05-27 [someelf]: "Vegtable soup and sandwiches of all kinds." Rhanii said delightfull.

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded while smiling. "Allright then."

2006-05-27 [Ace118]: " i'll have some vegatable soup with two slices of bread on the side please" Jen said hungrilly

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled. "Allright, coming right up." He then turned to get Jen her food, which he returned with a few seconds later.

2006-05-27 [someelf]: Rhanii grinned. "Thanks!"

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled in return. "Your welcome."

2006-05-27 [Ace118]: Jen grinned" thanks"

2006-05-27 [KnightAngel]: Amrod turned back to Jen smiling warm. "Your welcome."

2006-05-27 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled and drank some of her cold orange juice.

2006-05-27 [Ace118]: feels slightly better returns Below The Ambrosias Deck

2006-05-27 [someelf]: Rhanii played with her hair while waiting for the others.

2006-05-30 [Synirria]: Looking around Suspiria stepped into the kitchen.

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled. "Hello what can we help you with?"

2006-05-30 [Draconius]: *walks in* "I wonder whats to eat?"

2006-05-30 [Synirria]: 'Would you happen to have an liquor or ribs on here?'

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod points to the wall at the left. "The various foodcourses is right there."

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *walks in looking around*

2006-05-30 [Synirria]: 'Could I have some soup? Dont care what kind really..I just need something warm.' Suspiria smiles gently at Amrod.

2006-05-30 [someelf]: Rhanii saw Amrod talking to Draconius so Rhanii took Suspiria's order. "Sure." She turned to grab the food and then turned back to Suspiria with a warm cup of soup. "There you go. Want something else?" She blinked smilling glad to help.

2006-05-30 [Synirria]: 'What kind of drinks do you make?' Asks kindly taking a slow swallow of soup savoring the taste.

2006-05-30 [Draconius]: *just gets something to drink, since he really isnt in the mood for food*

2006-05-30 [someelf]: "Uhmm.. All kinds.. I got freshpressed orange juice or lemonade.. Milk, water, etc.." She grinned. "The soup is vegtable soup, I hope you like it. Amrod made it!" She grinned and looked at Amrod.

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed and smiled to Rhanii. "I think she means something a little more harder then that."

2006-05-30 [someelf]: "Ooh.. And beer of course! And rum!" Rhanii blushed.

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *walks up to the chef and askes*"whats to eat"

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod who was free unlike Rhanii turned to the new "customer". "The foodcourses stand there on the wall over there." He pointed to a note hanging where he had stated, and pointed.

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *turns head and looks at the note then turns head and tell the cook*I think I'll have the vegtable soup and a plain sandwhich with some water

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nods. "As you wish." He then fills a bowl up with soup and grabs a sandwich from the platter and fills a cup with water then returns and hands it to Streeaka.

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *Streeaka get the soup with on hand, put the sandwhich on the cup a water and grabs the glass and said"thanks" and takes it to a seat*

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiles. "Your welcome."

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *after sitting down he starts to eat*

2006-05-30 [japegrin]: *tears in to the room and stops on a dime in front of the cook* Hiya! *looks at the menu* i'll have soup a sandwich and...hmm...milk!

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nods and goes get jas' order, just to return shortly with the items. "Here you go."

2006-05-30 [japegrin]: *gets soup and milk on a tray just spears the sandwich with hook* Thanks. *goes to sit and eat his food*

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod bows his head with a smile. "Your welcome"

2006-05-30 [japegrin]: *lets out large burp after eating* ahh, that was good. Adios Amrod!

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grins and waves. "Goodbye."

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: "aaah"*in a sigh-ish way*"what do i do with the dishes"

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod walk over. "Here let me." He then took the dishes and went over to the sink and washed them off.

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: thanks*gets up*uuhh, do i have to tip or pay you or anything

2006-05-30 [KnightAngel]: Amrod chuckles. "Not unless you want to... It's part of the ship I suppose you can call it..."

2006-05-30 [Danboo]: *walks to the door and leaves*

2006-06-01 [~Ithika~]: Blaze walztes up and looks at whats to eat... "soup sounds good," she says with a smile. "Has anyone seen the captain lately, I've seemed to have lost track of her. It might be handy to know where she is, just in case there's an emergency."

2006-06-01 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ walks in and looks around ~ I want a large pizza!

2006-06-01 [Synirria]: Suspiria shrugged not very thirsty anymore. Finishing off her soup she placed it in the skin. 'Thank you for the soup Amrod.' Turning she gracfully walked out of the kitchen.

2006-06-02 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and bowed. "Your welcome." He then turned to the others. "No don't really think so.. Sorry... And okay coming right up." He then went over and grabbed a bowl of soup then a plate with a large pizza, he then walked over to Blaze with the soup. "Here you go." Then turned to [Keyurg Kirosake] and handed him his pizza. "And here you go."

2006-06-02 [someelf]: Rhanii watched him from out the back of the kitchen she had sat down on a counter.

2006-06-02 [~Ithika~]: Blaze looks up and thanks Amrod, then slowly begins eating.

2006-06-02 [KnightAngel]: Amrod bows his head with a smile. "Your welcome"

2006-06-03 [someelf]: Rhanii decides that the captain also needs something to eat so she grabbed some soup in a cup and some sandwiches and left. "Be right back, Amrod.." She smiled and left to the upper decks to look for her captain.

2006-06-03 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded and sat down, looking up the stairs that leaded to upper decks

2006-06-03 [someelf]: Rhanii didn't return for a long while.

2006-06-04 [~Ithika~]: Blaze went and sat next to Amrod, "So..."

2006-06-05 [KnightAngel]: Amrod looked up. "Yes?"

2006-06-06 [~Ithika~]: Blaze flashed one of her smiles and continued..."I bet it's nice having someone to talk to all the time," She said looking towards the door that Rhanii exited a few moments ago.

2006-06-06 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grinned. "proberly not all the time but yes it's nice to have someone you can talk to when you need it... Why?"

2006-06-07 [~Ithika~]: Blaze chuckled a little, "I just don't think I've connected with anyone around here, I feel like I'm all on my own. hehe Iguess it's a teenager thing."

2006-06-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grinned. "Know how those times were and well it doesn't just neccesarily only be in the teens... The thing is if you intend on trying to get connected to anyone... Just look at yourself right now.. Your having a conversation with me right now."

2006-06-08 [~Ithika~]: Blaze nodded..."I guess, but you've go Rhanii, Cap'n's got her first mate (whispers) whoever that is, and Pandora's even got Rowan."

2006-06-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded. "Sure... But that doesn't mean there is someone out there for you.. You just got to look better... And well me and Rhanii... We've almost just meet really."

2006-06-12 [~Ithika~]: Blaze smiled and laughed a bit..."Doesn't look like it...Sorry that was out of line," She said as she looked away.

2006-06-12 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grinned and shook his head. "Nah, your right... But we might not fully act it all the time... But we have only met some few days ago... But we just hitted off real well... But we are still not going to fast though.." He blushed gently and smiled.

2006-06-13 [~Ithika~]: Blaze smiled then looked around suddenly, "Did it just get cold in here? or is it just me," she shivered and stood up still looking around.

2006-06-13 [KnightAngel]: Amrod looked around and noticed a fridge standing slightly open and went up and over and closed it. "It wasn't just you." He grinned then walked back over.

2006-06-15 [~Ithika~]: Blaze smiled. "Thank you for the chat, I better get back to doing something constructive around here," she said shaking his hand, "no one does that anymore. I'll see you 'round?" Blaze exited the kitchen back to Ambrosia's Quarterdeck

2006-06-15 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded and shook her hand. "Allright well I'll see you around then, and well here in the kitchen there will be something done... Just.... I don't really know what untill the chef arrives." He smiled a sheepish grin.

2006-06-25 [KnightAngel]: Amrod got up and looked up the stairs and saw the buildings peeking up and got up the stairs heading to the maindeck.

2006-07-21 [japegrin]: eee, is dinner done already?

2006-10-11 [~Ithika~]: BLaze enters, eyes red and puffy from too much sleep. She looks disoriented as she decends the stairs and takes a seat.

2007-01-29 [Silver Moon]: Sestera sets down and begins to fix some food.

2007-01-30 [~Ithika~]: "Wassup?" Blaze glances over and nods towards the newcomer,

2007-01-30 [Silver Moon]: "I am fixing food or have you not noticed?" looks at the food on her plate with a sigh.

2007-01-30 [~Ithika~]: Blaze looks at Sestera, "Sorry," she says before turning back to the wall.

2007-01-30 [Silver Moon]: "I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. It is hard to cope with..." Breaks of and shoves the food away.

2007-01-30 [~Ithika~]: Blaze looks up, suddenly interested, "What is?" there is concern in her voice..

2007-01-30 [Silver Moon]: " is different than my brothers... I loved that ship and her the pirates came..than there was fire..." struggles not to cry.

2007-01-30 [~Ithika~]: Blaze hands her a napkin, she was never good at this "comforting" thing. "I'm so sorry,"

2007-01-30 [Silver Moon]: "It is all right I am centered at finding those responsible for this, and I intend to exact my revenge. Thank you for your concern tho." steel inters her voice as she says this

2007-01-30 [Silver Moon]: Please excuse me. *Walks out*

2007-01-31 [~Ithika~]: Blaze nods and turns back to her meal

2007-02-11 [~Ithika~]: Finishes and looks for something to do...

2008-07-17 [Danboo]: Daniel walks into the kitchen

2008-07-23 [Ace118]: Morning

2008-07-23 [Danboo]: Daniel jumps and looks at you, "oh!...erm Hello.."

2008-07-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus walks in "Hello? Is anyone about the kitchen?"

2008-07-25 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia, who had been following, walks in a moment later.

2008-07-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus begins rummeging around in the kitchen, looking for a bite.

2008-07-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia just looks around, trying to get a feel for everything. "So you're the first mate?"

2008-07-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus looks up to see the source of the new voice "Aye, that I am. Not a very good one yet, seeing as I dont even know the ship. But Ill get there. And who might you be?"

2008-07-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia bows slightly, raising a cocky brow. "I am Amelia Cutthroat, a mercenary on this vessel. With a rather interesting side job, to say the least."

2008-07-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus bows in return "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Cutthroat. What brings you to The Ambrosia?"

2008-07-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiles sadly, memories brought forth in her mind by this question. "I asked to join this crew because I had no wish to start my own. My father was killed just two months ago by the very crew he trusted. I took my revenge and left. I heard that there was a captain in need of a crew and Captain Sparrow is who I found."

2008-07-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: "My sympathies for your loss miss" he cleared his throat "You said something of an interesting side job. What would that be exactly?"

2008-07-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia could feel her cheeks warming. "I'm..." she clears her throat. "I provide some of the crews basic needs, in a carnal way."

2008-07-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus smiled slightly "I see. You truly are a mercenary aren't you?" he glanced around the room again "Well, I think I will go to the cargo hold, see if I can find a bite" he bows again "Miss Amelia" then walks from the kitchen

2008-07-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia tilts her head as he walks away, thinking to herself that this voyage was going to be fun indeed, then walks out the door and heads towards the weapon room

2008-07-27 [Danboo]: Daniel comes out from behind the table and looks to make sure they are gone and murmurs to himself,"Basic needs, odd lassy that one, but truely a mercenary..." and chuckles,"Well lets see what this galley can cook." to himself and looks for the supplies.

2008-08-31 [Danboo]: (hello...)

2008-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia enters the kitchen. She had disappeared after talking to the men up on the main deack to go for a few stolen drinks in her cabin. She was quite drunk. "Hullo to you, sir."

2008-09-17 [Danboo]: Daniel looks over his shoulder and hears the slur,"Well hello to you lassy, are ye a wee bitty tipsy turvey?"

2008-09-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia giggles lightly, her already flushed face spliting into a girn. "Just a wee bit."

2008-09-18 [Danboo]: Daniel sighs,"Well does ye need help to the sleeping room?"

2008-09-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiles. "No, I could get there on my own."

2008-09-18 [Danboo]: "Are ye sure wee lassy?" Worriedly asked by Daniel

2008-09-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: "Of courssse," replies Amelia. 

2008-09-19 [Danboo]: "Then where ye headin?" Daniel asked questionly

2008-09-20 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia looked puzzled for a moment. "That's a good question..."

2008-09-21 [Danboo]: Daniel bursts out with a hearty laughter

2008-09-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia blushes.

2008-09-24 [Danboo]: "Well Me about to make something to eat, wan' something?" And Daniel smiles

2008-09-25 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiles back. "Sure."

2008-09-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma wandered in the galley, Kurus behind her, and tripped over her own feet. She quickly caught her balance, and acted as if nothing happened. "Ello puppets. Didn't think anyone would be in here this time of time of day." she said with a hiccup, and then giggled.

2008-09-27 [Ace118]: I am back [below deck]

2008-09-28 [Danboo]: *Smiles and gets the ingredients for Stir-Fry*

2008-09-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus followed her, smiling as she giggled "Aye, whatcha making? Mayhaps its something that would tickle our fancy"

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: "Oh I'm sure my fancies just about tickled," Emma said without thinking, then turned away from Kurus. Her eyes wide, and her cheeks bright red.

2008-09-29 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus grinned, but refained from laughing as best he could, stummbling a little and catching himself on a counter "Aye, you and me both luv, er..uh Captian" he quickly turned his attention to the kitchen "So, whats to be made around here?"

2008-09-29 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia giggled just a bit. "Daniel was just about to make Stir-Fry."

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma eyes widened at his choice of words, her cheeks once again flushed deeper with color. The word luv spoken in his voice screamed in her head, and filled her soul with happiness. Her eyes trailed around the kitchen, and finally hers met his.

2008-09-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus met her eyes and smiled quickly before turning his attention back to the others, his cheeks flushed slightly "Stir-fry? Doesnt sound to bad. And I need to be getting something other then rum in me if Im to continue standing" he grinned at Emma again and then made his way to stand by Daniel "Ill help ya."

2008-09-30 [Ace118]: I am in the cargo hold now btw

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma felt her knees go weak, each time he smiled at her. She gripped the edge of the table to keep from loosing her balance. Her eyes followed him as he walked, her cheeks filling with color again. She turned her attention to Amelia, "How do you like the ship, so far?" she asked.

2008-10-01 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia, oblivious to the obviouis chemistry between them, answers, "Oh it's quite lovely. But, I must say, I would prefer my father's ship. It was home."

2008-10-01 [Danboo]: Daniel smiles and says" Hand me, I don't have enough red"

2008-10-01 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus looked around, and grabbed an apple being the first red thing he saw. He looked at it and handed it to Daniel "It is red"

2008-10-01 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma giggled at Kurus' comment. "I'm sorry about your father." she said softly to Amelia.

2008-10-01 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiled. "Thankyou. True it wasn't that long ago but grieving is too much energy gone to waste." She stares at the apple a moment. "I don't think that is exactly what he was looking would that taste?" She ponders this.

2008-10-02 [Angelic nightmares]: "Actually," Emma pipped up, "fried apples are quite tasty." she said licking her lips. Emma walked to the cupboard and pulled out a plump red pepper, and tossed it to Daniel. "Red enough for you?" she giggled.

2008-10-02 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia makes a face but shrugs it away.

2008-10-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looked to her, "Why the face?"

2008-10-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiled sadly. "Fried apples were a favorite of my father's. I've never cared for them."

2008-10-03 [Danboo]: Daniel thinks about it and, "well i was gonna use the apple but I'll save it for later" He puts it in his shirt, then moves to the table and starts slicing the red (bell?) pepper into thin, round pieces.

2008-10-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus leaned against the counter "We might have to be making some fried apples later then. THat does sound kinda tasty"

2008-10-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma frowned at Amelia, "I'm terribly sorry about your father. I too lost mine, but his memory lives on. Ambrosia used to be his..." her voice trailed off. "Oh yes" she said to Kurus coming back from her thoughts, "add a little sugar, and its the best." she said grinning.

2008-10-04 [Danboo]: "Mmmmhmmmp Sweet, Fried apple, do you want it spicy too" With sarcasm and Daniel smiles

2008-10-09 [Ace118]: THis is the kichen. Whats on for tea?

2008-10-10 [Danboo]: "Hmmm?" And Daniel looks over his shoulder with a question on his face

2008-10-10 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus looked around "Welcome. We were just about to make stir-fry." he grinned.

2008-10-11 [Ace118]: Chicken stir fry?

2008-10-12 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus opened his mouth, and the shut it "To be honest, I didnt even ask." He looked around at the others there, his eyebrows raised.

2008-10-12 [Ace118]: "we'll have food then move on your choice where we go next" *smiles* (in the light he could see her torn clothes and her figer)

2008-10-12 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma laughed softly. "Daniel's stir fry, is usually what ever he has on hand." she paused, anticipating the weird looks, "but it always tastes great." she added quickly.

2008-10-13 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus smiled and nodded at Emma "So long as its good." 

2008-10-13 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia just watches the rest of them, finally coming down from her drunkeness

2008-10-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma blushed when she looked at Kurus. But tried to hide this. "I'll be back...." she said softly, and walked out to the main deck

2008-10-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: He watched her leave then turned his attention back to the kitchen, sitting down and focusing again on the idea of food "How long till we have something to eat, eh? Not to rush, but Im a bit starved"

2008-10-16 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia laughs a little at Kurus's comment. "Not to worry, love." She helps herself to a tankard and pours one for him as well.

2008-10-16 [Ace118]: "can I have some?"

2008-10-16 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia smiles. "Sure." She pours another cup.

2008-10-17 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus lifts the drink in a toast and takes a long drink from it.

2008-10-17 [Ace118]: *takes a drink*

2008-10-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelian sips hers, not willing to get any more drunk.

2008-10-18 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus takes another drink, then deciding to break the silence that ensued upon the apperance of the booze, said "So, anyone know how short we are of a full crew? I know we were still looking when I came on"

2008-10-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia sighed. "unfortunately we are missing quite a bit of able sea hands. It would be great to get off this rock and onto the open waters again."

2008-10-19 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus nodded "Agreed. Hopfully we can get them soon"

2008-10-20 [Lithium Lullaby]: Amelia nodded. "Aye, to that"

2008-10-20 [Ace118]: *finishes her drink* "well Kurus you can choose where we go next"

2008-10-21 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus raised an eyebrow "Im not moving an inch till I get a bite. All the rum has gone and set me to tipsy, and Im starvin" he laughed and turned back to Daniel, to monitor the cooking.

2008-10-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Kurus blinked. As he closed his eyes he saw the people gathered in the kitchen, food cooking. When he opened his eyes again he was laying face down on the table, everyone gone, as was the food "Bloody hells" He looked around. Must have finally passed out. Damn. He stood up, his head throbbing a bit and headed for the main deck.

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